EE Circle Exclusive Engineering Tools for Download

Currently Available Tools

Since the debut of the above tools in November 2007 numerous number of copies have been downloaded. We are extremely encouraged by the warm acceptance knowing that no specific promotion effort was made, and the hits were generated solely by spontaneous users' internet search and probably words of mouth. Each tool comes with a DEMO license which imposes limitations on the tool. User can practice with the included examples and some of their own test cases to get familiar with the tools. A REGULAR license can be purchased in order to have the limitations lifted.

License Upgrade Procedure

  • Visit this link for license purchase
  • Wait for the license files to be sent from EE Circle via e-mail
  • Navigate to the tool configuration directory of the tool you need to make license upgrade, e.g.,
    • "C:\Program Files\EECircle\HSView1.0\conf\", or
    • "C:\Program Files\SPEX1.0\conf\", or
    • "C:\Program Files\Trace Analyzer 1.0\conf\"
  • Rename the original licence file "license.lic" into a different file, say "license.lic.default"
  • Copy the new license file, unzipped if necessary, into the $TOOL\conf directory, rename it into "license.lic"

The new license will take effect upon the next launch of the program.

Copyright © 2000 - 2011 EE Circle Solutions. All rights reserved.